? ??????????????Spot Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (1 Rating)??9 Grabs Today. 736 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
view?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????Abstract Rainbow? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (8 Ratings)??9 Grabs Today. 9452 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, July 31, 2009

photo contest

There is a photo contest on americangirlfan.proboards.com and this is my entry. The theme is back to school. Tomorrow I leave for Alaska! Check out my new photostories at picasaweb.google.com/agphotostory Bye for now!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

not much...

Well, not much to say... I registered for school... got my schedule... they forgot to include lunch in my schedule... Those meanies.... I DONT WANT TO GO HUNGRY!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I'd just like to say thank you to my wonderful followers! You brighten up my world! (cries) I am going on vacation, to, ALASKA! I'm really excited! I leave on August 1rst. I might have internet acess and I might not. We'll just have to see.
So anyways, I got the school set for AG. (i know I need furniture, but, SO tempting!) I totally recommend it for other people. Maybe later I will tell you what's in it. It is great!
ok, also, anyone who wants to know about my schedule for public middle school, I am going to post about that. Anyone who's homeschooled or schools other ways I'd like to hear about your schedule. Here's mine
7:00 Wake up

7:40 Walk to school

7:50 Go to lockers, chat, etc.

8:00 School starts, I have language arts 1rst thing in the morning. Sometimes we go to the library, we write papers,read stuff

8:40-8:44 passing periods. We get 4 minutes to get to each class, and go to our lockers.

8:44-12:10 I have Social studies, we studied World History. Advocacy, kinda like study hall, you read, it is 19 min. Orchestra, really boring class with mean teacher. and Math, math is about 90 min. We check yesterday's homework, learn lesson, work on homework.

12:10-12:30 lunch, we can pack a lunch from home or buy it from the cafeteria (Which serves YUCKY food!) We can't chose who we sit by though (really unfair!)

12:30-12:50 Recess. We just go outside, play games, chat, thats it.

1:00-1:40 "fun" classes. I had art (fun!), technology (hard for inexperienced me!) and PE/gym (Really hard, boring, and TIRING!) The classes change every 9 weeks. Except for gym which is 18 weeks.

1:44-3:10 I have Spanish (Easy!) and Science left. And then I go home at 3:10.

What is your fav class? Mine is Math! (My best subject!) TTYL

My Quiz from QuizYourFriends.com

How well do you know me
1) How many AG dolls do I have? (Including my sisters! Seven of them are "mine",mine)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm so sorry I havent been able to post! You see, I was at my grandmas house for a L-O-N-G time. She doesnt have internet! Shocks! Well I will think of something to post later. See ya!
-Coconut :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Wow! I have 3 whole followers! Thanks peoples! Sorry about the posting break I took! My mom's laptop broke down... Well, guess what! I got my very early b-day present! Today! I got a camera! Yay! Now I don't have to ask to use my dad's camera anymore! It rocks! I will put a pic of my camera sometime! Why I got my b-day present so early is because I am going on a vacation in August! I can't tell you where right now because I have a high plan of torture because I WILL make you wait! Power to the people! Mwahahaha! I am so evil!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

can you raed tihs msseage? You suhold be albe to, wreid huh? If you can you are rlealy sarmt! Well, you should be able to read this, isn't it cool? I heard about this in a book. You can put the letters of a word in a random order, but the 1rst and last letters have to be in the right place. So last becomes lsat, notice the 1rst and last letters are the same. Quiz your parents, your friends, and everyone you know! They can all read it! COOLIO!!!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July photos!!!!

The pretty fireworks!

So pretty!
Ground bloom flowers!

I think it's another ground bloom flower!

down there: Me with a sparkler!

I'm going to post some photos of the 4th of July pretty soon!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July! I'lll try to post more later! goodbye


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sorry! i really don't have much to post about! i'm having a lazy summer! Well, I do have an excuse for not blogging earlier 2day because I was sick. But now I'm better. Yes, I get over illnesses very quickly! :) Well, I was only sick for about 2,3 hours. Technically, I would still be sick cuz people say u r sick for 24 hours after throwing up! Ok i'm sure u people r getting sick of hearing about how I was sick. See, I'm contagious! Over the internet! LOL! well, 2 days until the 4th! Fireworks galore! I finally finished the front of my sweater for Kirsten! yay!! half way through!