? ??????????????Spot Colors? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (1 Rating)??9 Grabs Today. 736 Total Grabs. ??????Pre
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Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Coconut conversation

Coconut= C Tamale = T

T (sigh) yes, Coconut?
C I put a hot dog in the toaster today!
T Coconut, you're crazy!
C Yes, I've heard that before.
T No, I mean you are literally INSANE!!!
C Oh, did I tell you? When I was little I fed egg whites to my dog.
T You are giving me a migraine!
C Migraine? My grain, I like bread! Which do you like: white, wheat, sourdough, Italian...
T I'll just walk away....

Note: Yeah, I really did toast a hot dog and feed egg whites to my dog. Funny, huh?